On behalf of our physicians, nurses and health care professionals at St. Pat’s whose expert and compassionate care for our residents right here in Ottawa is further supported by your on-going generosity, thank you! We are so grateful to all of the supporters of St. Patrick’s Home of Ottawa Foundation.

You make it possible. You ensure St. Patrick’s Home is able to meet the growing health care needs of our residents. And this year was no exception!

These are the 5 extraordinary things you made happen:

  1. You helped residents stay connected through the Community Engagement Program
  2. You brought new and enhanced therapy programs to our residents
  3. You provided comfort to our residents through the Palliative and spiritual Care program
  4. You helped care for seniors with the purchase of medical equipment
  5. You helped fund education and training for our staff

To read more about the wonderful impact you are having, download our Gratitude Report.