Your visits and involvement at St. Patrick’s Home of Ottawa will benefit you in so many ways...
Becoming a Volunteer
To be considered as a volunteer at St. Patrick’s Home, you must be 14 years of age and over and agree to a minimum 40 hours of volunteer work which includes the general orientation to the Home.
Screening is conducted on all applicants to ensure suitability for positions of trust.
Please complete the Volunteer Application Form and Reference Check Consent Form and return them to the Manager of Recreation and Volunteers who will contact you for an interview. The interview process will provide an opportunity to find an assignment that is compatible with your skills and interests. Volunteer position description(s) are available for you to review prior to choosing your assignment.
Police Record Check for the Vulnerable Sector must be completed for anyone 18 years or older. A signed letter from the Home stating that you are a candidate for a volunteer position must accompany the Police check form. Once the Police Records Check is completed, it will be mailed back to the applicant. You will be responsible to bring in the original document to the Manager of Recreation and Volunteers and a copy will be made for your file. You keep the original document.
A Parental-Guardian Consent form must be signed for volunteers under the age 18 years old.
Once the screening process is completed and the prospective volunteer has been accepted, arrangements for a general orientation and training for your specific assignment will follow. The orientation process provides you with the necessary information required to work as a volunteer at St. Pat’s, as well as information specific to your chosen role. Job specific training is provided by the area that you will be working in. The job specific instructions are based on your role at St. Patrick’s Home.
All volunteers conducting activities in St. Patrick’s Home must complete a Tuberculin Disease Screening Tool for Volunteers in Long Term Care. This tool must be complete prior to starting your volunteer assignment.
There is a three-month probationary period for all volunteers. During this three month time period all volunteers are assessed for suitability for the volunteer position, and role.
Rewards are numerous for the Residents
Your visits and involvement at St. Patrick’s Home will benefit the Residents in the following ways:
- provide company, friendship and support
- give residents something to look forward to
- stimulate physical and mental health abilities
- maintain a sense of dignity and self-worth
- promote feelings of achievement
- keep links with the community
- exposure to new ideas, skills, talents, activities
- the opportunity to share life events and stories
For the Volunteer
Your visits and involvement at St. Patrick’s Home will benefit you in the following ways:
- increased knowledge and experience working with the elderly
- exposure to the operation of St. Patrick’s Home and the field of gerontology
- the opportunity to develop leadership skills
- self-satisfaction of offering a service to residents
- refreshments
- free parking
- references for future employment and/or educational pursuits
- an opportunity to complete your community hours for graduation, for high school students
- recognition events throughout the year
- acknowledgement from staff and family members for your assistance
- the opportunity to make new friends
Our Manager of Recreation and Volunteers can be reached at 613-731-0094 ext: 235 or by e-mail at
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Staff Profile
Welcome to the Newest Member of St. Pat's Leadership Team who is pleased to introduce herself to everyone!
My name is Korry MacLeod, and I am thrilled to introduce myself as the new Coordinator for Quality Improvement and Risk Management. With a background in healthcare management, I bring extensive expertise in implementing, coordinating, and monitoring quality improvement and risk management activities. My past experience includes working as the Manager of Community Support Services at Western Ottawa Community Resource Centre, Policy Analyst at the Division of Aging, Seniors, and Dementia at the Centre for Health Promotion, Public Health Agency of Canada. In addition, I have worked as a Curriculum Developer at Algonquin College, where I was responsible for designing course materials for the Person and Family-Centered Approach to Care Coordination course. Drawing from a wealth of experience in long-term care, I have held positions in program management and resident and family services. I am excited about the opportunity to contribute my skills and knowledge to our team, fostering a culture of continuous improvement and ensuring the highest standards of quality and risk management. I'm excited to work with the team to drive positive outcomes and improve the lives of our Residents.
Korry MacLeod