St. Patrick’s Home of Ottawa has been caring for Ottawa seniors since 1865, inspired by the compassionate spirit of Saint Marguerite d’Youville.

Home » About Us » Potential Residents » Room Rates & Subsidy

Room Rates

The accommodation rates for all Long Term Care Homes are set annually by the Ministry of Health and Long Term Care in July.

The full pay room rates as of July 1, 2023 are listed below:
Room Type Monthly Rate
Private Room Accommodation: $2838.49
Basic Accommodation: $1986.62
Respite Care: $42.28/day


Subsidy may be available

Under the Long-Term Care Homes Act 2007, residents accommodated in a Basic long-stay bed may apply to receive a reduction in his/her co-payment. The determination is made based on the year prior’s Notice of Assessment from Canada Revenue (CRA). Residents with reduced rates expire June 30 each year and must apply for a new rate reduction approval by July 30 in order to have a new reduced rate effective July 1.

For more information about rate reduction, contact the Finance Office at 613-731-0094 extension 227.

Benefits Available

Residents who require subsidization may be entitled to financial assistance from one or more government programs.

All people 65 years and older are entitled to Old Age Security (OAS). Additional benefits that can be applied for are:

  • Guaranteed Annual Income Supplement (GAINS) – provincial
  • Guaranteed Income Supplement (GIS) – federal

Comfort Allowance

When a resident receives a reduction in the accommodation rate, the government ensures that a certain amount of the money they receive is retained by them for monthly spending money. This is called a Comfort Allowance and is approximately $149/month.

Welcome to the Newest Member of St. Pat's Leadership Team who is pleased to introduce herself to everyone!

My name is Korry MacLeod, and I am thrilled to introduce myself as the new Coordinator for Quality Improvement and Risk Management. With a background in healthcare management, I bring extensive expertise in implementing, coordinating, and monitoring quality improvement and risk management activities. My past experience includes working as the Manager of Community Support Services at Western Ottawa Community Resource Centre, Policy Analyst at the Division of Aging, Seniors, and Dementia at the Centre for Health Promotion, Public Health Agency of Canada. In addition, I have worked as a Curriculum Developer at Algonquin College, where I was responsible for designing course materials for the Person and Family-Centered Approach to Care Coordination course. Drawing from a wealth of experience in long-term care, I have held positions in program management and resident and family services. I am excited about the opportunity to contribute my skills and knowledge to our team, fostering a culture of continuous improvement and ensuring the highest standards of quality and risk management. I'm excited to work with the team to drive positive outcomes and improve the lives of our Residents.

Korry MacLeod

Coordinator of Quality Improvement and Risk Management, St. Patrick's Home of Ottawa