On Saturday, December 9th, residents, family members, volunteers and staff gathered at St. Patrick’s Home for our annual Christmas Tree Light Celebration, sponsored by St. Patrick’s Home Foundation. We enjoyed a lively performance from the Ottawa Police Chorus, followed by refreshments in Paddy’s Place.

It was a delightful afternoon, getting everyone into the holiday spirit. To see photos of the event, please visit our Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.1602581606469728.1073741850.349106688483899&type=1&l=df7772585c 

image4Decorating our Trees

We are grateful to volunteers from TD, who came by the Home to help us put up and decorate our Christmas trees in the lobby and the Gathering Place.




christmas-tree-thank-youChristmas Trees in the Larry Kelly Family Garden

You may have noticed that there are Christmas trees lit up in the courtyard. These trees were generously donated by Laird’s Tree Farm in Osgoode, delivered by Swift Delivery Systems and put up by our maintenance team.





We would like to extend a special thank you to all of these community partners for bringing Christmas cheer to our Home.